The educational instruction in Mexico.
We can speak of the system educational Mexican in two big dimensions the escolarizada and the open one; these can be given in present form or at distance. Traditionally the education had been imparted in form escolarizada and present, used in 95% of the different educational levels in our country, the innovation is given when beginning the modalities of open educational Instruction and at distance. (So alone 5%)
We will leave of defining the education, as a process of mutual interaction, educate-educator, where both simultáneamente;(Cara is influenced to Face), so that that process is effective, the communication should be bidirectional and it should be open to the critic and to the reflection stiller when it is of an educating adult.
In the present Instruction or also called face to face. We know that Education Escolarizada or traditional it is that that is carried out in a certain physical space (school) and he/she gives a high-priority importance to aspects like the daily attendance to classes, the teacher's presence like main informant, study plans governed in the number and order of the courses, unique curricular design, evaluation approaches and established acreditación institutionally and a previous calendarización to which the students should undergo. It has been conceived as a process to acquire knowledge in a period of the life, going to an institution specifies dedicated for this end. (Very effective even in our days and governed by the system of the SEP).
The Opened Education in tally, he/she is carried out in diverse physical spaces (not necessarily a school), he/she stops in freedom to the student to attend or not to receive information or explanations on the part of the professor or tutor, he/she makes emphasis in the autodidactismo, it eliminates the rigidity in the handling of the currícula and flexibiliza the evaluation approaches and acreditación. Being this model the one that takes every day more I impel in the degrees and graduate degrees.
The Present Education Escolarizada, (Instruction face to face), it is that that requires of the student in the classroom of classes, facilitating the I dialogue and the exchange of information in a personal way or grupal and in opposition to this the Education at Distance, will be that that is carried out in a habitual way without the physical presence to regulate and systematic of professors and students in the classrooms of a center using anyone of the capable media to establish the educational action.
Although the concept of open education understands each other as opposed to that of escolarizada and the concept at distance as opposed to the present one, this doesn't imply that an open system is necessarily at distance or vice versa since in fact in our country institutions that operate with system at distance exist and in a way escolarizada, such it would be the case of the telesecundaria of the SEP or of the Technological Institute of Superior Studies of Monterrey, in those which, operating at distance, the student has to fulfill a calendarización and evaluation approaches the same as in the traditional school.
Would we have to wonder which educational system is more efficient?
The on-line courses or the on-line instruction.
The on-line courses according to Crown and Zatarain (2002). They are based on the enriched Teaching (where the students interactúan with tip technology and the educational ones use them like support to the docencia, in traditional educational spaces (classrooms, libraries, laboratories) and the education at distance (where the means have a preponderant paper in the elaboration of study materials and in the establishment of an appropriate relationship with the individuals that usually not this in a classroom and that it transforms all the elements of the educational process, through education for correspondence, radio, television, videoconferences and multiple means). To the view this whole combined multimedia wants it to undertake the project of Enciclomedia, undertaken by the federal government of Fox.
The on-line Courses at distance. They are a group of thematic contents, strategies and resources that are Structured methodologically, in an integral way and by means of the internet, to provide the student an appropriate atmosphere of learning. He/she should offer the essential points, the topics and the activities; to offer specialized consultantship; pertinent, continuous evaluation and to the student's own rhythm, administrative and institutional information; personal orientation and of support; spaces to share experiences and restlessness and to publish works; as well as the access to resources (readings, magazines, outlines, audio, video, etc.) and necessary tools during the trial of learning. We have the vivencia of these learning atmospheres, in META.
Some fundamental characteristics of the courses at distance. (Fernando Mortera 2002)
To be able to operate in any locus in quo is students or even where there is a single student, with or without present professors in the same place or at the same time. ( Synchronous or asynchronous communication)
To grant an important responsibility to the student during the learning. ( To be disciplined, self taught, and to be very motivated)
To liberate the professor of duties of surveillance and it guards of the student, in such a way that is devoted more time to the truly educational tares. ( Aspects presénciales in the classroom or laboratory of I compute)
To offer the students and adults a wide range of options (more opportunities) in the classes, in the formats of the courses, and in diverse methodologies. ( To use different material multimedia)
To use of appropriate way, all the technological measures and teaching methods that have demonstrated to be effective. (educational platforms, as WebCT, Moodle, AVA, Blackboar, etc.)
Other important aspects would be the following ones:
The student and the teacher can be separate. ( as it is the working, mixed pattern or totally at distance)
The normal processes of teaching and learning should be carried out in writing or through some means.
The teaching should be individualized or collaborative.
The learning should happen by means of the interactions and the student's activities, to the interior of the course
The learning should be adapted so that the student this in its own atmosphere. (to generate a space of harmony and cordiality.
The student should take the responsibility for her own rhythms and progresses when learning, with the freedom of to begin and to stop in any time. (Great advantage of the 24 hrs. For every day of the year)
Among the qualities that it possesses the non present formation it is that of flexibilizar the spaces and times that are dedicated to the formation as well as a change in the attitudes assumed by the professor and of the student before the knowledge and their socialization, resignificando professor's paper to advisory educational, of the student to student, of the teaching and of the learning. However, the same as the present pattern, it can fall in the simulation and desentendimiento of the institutional objectives, getting lost the direction or pedagogic idea that it sustains it.
The learning nets are scenarios of interactions among subject of territorial different sociocultural and linguistic, distanced contexts and spacely that use Communication in Computer Environments (CEI) to learn low colaborativamente the rhythm and style individualized initially and collective later on (Harasim; 2000). The educational interactions just as they are giving in the school, they have character of present, in the vicinity and corporal relationships “face to face”, in spaces, times and very defined knowledge through a pedagogic speech centered in the scientific certainties. On the other hand, the CEI breaks up with the relationship time-space to configure a digital environment it doesn't only stop the information and communication, but space of emotional, sentimental expressions and of entertainment.
Instruction with open code.
In their presentation" Scenario for the open code 2005", Mark Driver, analyst of Gartner, explained that in 2006 you/he/she exists 70% of probability that the products of open code are considered in 40% of the technology investments focused to the infrastructure. For what is necessary to learn how to determine where and when to use the applications of free software, for what is necessary to establish evaluation approaches and procedures to maintain them and to adopt them to take advantage of them as competitive tool, in all the different educational levels.
The tendencies that Gartner exposed show that it is very possible that for the 2008 more responsibility is demanded for the installation and administration of changes for the applications with free disbandment, for what will be necessary that the service industries of YOU offer support and, finally that it is probable that its reach is superior to 50% of the applications. Categorically, Driver assures that it won't replace to all the applications.
In the category of open code they are the operating system of Linux mainly and some educational platforms as Moodle.
Moodle is a learning platform at distance in free Software. He/she has a relatively big and growing base of users.
Moodle is a system of administration of the teaching (course management system or learning management system in English), that is to say, an application designed to help the educators to create courses of on-line quality. These types of learning system at distance are sometimes called also atmospheres of virtual learning or on-line education.
The educational pattern of the present instruction (face to face), it will be used in the preescolar levels to the superior means, being this the one that contributes an entire educational machinery.
On the other hand the instruction of the on-line courses, they are more managed at the superior level and of graduate degrees. You grieve this intruded in the virtual universities.
And the handling of the instruction of the open code, even this in diapers, since our country is a great market of the united states.
It considered that the three intrusion aspects, they are not fought among if, if not but well they offer us certain opportunities of educational complement, so necessary in our multicultural mosaic of Mexico.
For their attention. Thank you.
Attn. Rafael Aguilar Vélez
You index Bibliografícas.
Bartolomé, P., (1995), “some teaching models for the new channels”, University of Barcelona, Spain,
BARTOLOMÉ, A. (1996)": to build documents for the Web: Something more than to add «tagsª", in EDUTEC'95: Communication networks, learning nets, Palm of Majorca, Universitat Illes ABalears.
“Environments of virtual present formation and at distance”, M. Gisbert, J. Adell, L.
Anaya and R. I grate, http://www.rediris.es/rediris/boletin/40/enfoque1.html, Spain, 2002
Virtual environments of teaching-learning: the project Consented GET August 21 2003.
Favela J. & Contreras J. J., “Causal Supporting Interaction and Collaborative Information Exploration in Distributed Software Development Projects”, 2000
Fernando Mortera: Education to Distance and Instructional Design: Their Basic Concepts, their History and their Mutual Relationship... Edt. Open shop, Mexico, D.F. 2002.
Harasim, Linda et. to the one. (2000): learning nets. It guides for the teaching and the learning in net, Editorial Gedisa - Edicions of the Universitat Oberta of Catalunya, Barcelona.
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