1. Your perspective: From what position or role in society are you viewing the education system?
In a nation, the education is the first revolution that it is necessary to undertake in favor of the progress. The experience of the countries that you/they have grown with justness demonstrates that one of the most successful forces to achieve it is the education.
An education that is not privilege of some, but of all.
For Mexico it represents the human capital that will allow us to compete with the world.
The Technologies should be constituted in effective tools for the teaching and a resource more for the learning. However it is not enough with providing from technology to the schools, it is indispensable to generate contents of value that allow the construction of the knowledge.
The education that we have is not still the one that we need to build the country that we want: a democratic, free, fair Mexico and I prosper; proud of its ancestral and at the same time competent culture to participate in the contemporary international community.
To improve the public education and deprived in all their levels and modalities we should create a national culture that identifies it as the fundamental means to achieve the freedom, the justice and the individual and collective prosperity.
2. Your general opinion (based on evidence) of the status of education in Mexico: the strengths and weaknesses.
At the present time, our system educational Mexican presents weaknesses, in different measures, articulation flaws; rigidity in the study programs; insufficient diversification of the institutions; repetition and desertion; use lack; covering problems; as well as inequalities among the states, the regions and the diverse social sectors.
In the drop quality of our education they intervene, among other, the following factors:
Focus concentrated in the teaching that you/they pass for high the necessities of the student's learning;
Mismatch relevancy levels and relevance of the contents of the programs regarding the expectations of the families as well as of the sectors producing of goods and services;
Professors' existence with inappropriate profiles for the appropriate acting of their function;
Weak motivation of the educational community toward the innovation;
Lack of instruments of integral evaluation and, in general, an insufficient advance in the culture of rendition of bills;
Mainly bureaucratic and vertical administration forms;
Insufficient infrastructure for the good development, of the educational task;
Inadequacy of resources economic publics and private dedicated to the education;
Little interest and scarce social participation in support activities to the education, the investigation and the culture.
Strengths of the educational system.
The implementation of the national Plan of Education.
The Incorporation of several treaties and educational exchanges at international level.
The educational linking of quality among the three government levels
The incorporation of the tics, at the different educational levels.
Educational projects at national level, as enciclomedia
The participation of international indicators, as the OECD.
The incorporation of educational models of on-line education and at distance in the IES, UNAM, U of G, ISTEM, IPN, etc.
3. your personal view of the adequacy of training programs in Mexico. Are there enough programs? Enough institutions? Can Mexico compete with the rest of the world?
In this context, the great axis for the educational transformation in Mexico is to improve the quality and to assist the inequity problems prioritarily to make possible that all the Mexicans learn for the life and along a lifetime.
It is had a certain quantity of institutions that you/they toast or they satisfy an educational demand. But that they are not enough, neither the institutions, neither the effective programs.
So that Mexico can be competitive with the other countries, they will create the opportunities so that each who he/she carries out its aspirations and achieve a worthy, productive life and solidarity.
To advance in this sense, we require to have an education system laid the foundation in the universal human securities. A system that is pertinent, integrated, diversified, flexible, innovative and dynamic; coordinated with the society in their group, with the science and technology system, with the cultural sector and with the productive apparatus.
4. Are there any groups in Mexican society who are not being adequately educated or trained?
As for basic education, the panorama is not better. Although officially he/she makes sure that the country has to the infantile population's 99.4 percent in primary education, the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) and specialists admit that the real covering is of 93 percent.
In superior education, according to a recent analysis of the Mexican Fund for the Education and Development (FMED), while the industrialized countries duplicated their covering to assist between 70 and 80 percent of their youth in university age, the educational institutions of Latin America and the Caribbean they don't have space for four of each five youths in age of attending them, and who are able to study superior studies they should face the ghost of the unemployment.
As for secondary, the perception is the same one. With a net rate of 72 covering percent and an advance rhythm yearly of little more than 2 percent, 15 years they would be required more to arrive to 100 percent. This way, for 2015 the universal covering would neither be reached.
Of this we can conclude that all the educational levels are below the educational covering that you/they should have, besides presenting serious problems of terminal efficiency, as well as the recognition of education of quality at international level.
5. What can be done to improve the status of education and training in Mexico?
To impel the commitment with an education of quality and equal. That it implies, for the different educational levels, to meet us to the development of" committed communities with the learning." These communities have, among other the following ones characteristic: a clear and shared vision of the educational objectives; collegiate organization of the work; concentration of the effort in the continuous improvement of the quality; bigger margins of autonomy for the organization and resource management; professors determined to serve as discipline example, respect and creativity; the family parents' participation to make of each home a learning center and to involve to the families in the activities of the school; supervisors that facilitate the improvement of the educational practice, by means of the formation of learning groups and autoevaluación processes.
This will imply to approach working lines as the following ones:
• To build effective outlines for the recognition interinstitucional of credits, the student mobility and the exchange of students.
• The educational focuses centered in the learning to generalize.
• To propitiate the intensive use of the technologies of the information and of the communication in the educational programs.
• To multiply the efforts to diminish the I leave behind accumulated in the infrastructure of the schools.
• To have a program of upgrade and professors' formation that it incorporates the advances of the science, the humanities, the technology and the innovations of the education guided to the learning and the formation in labor competitions.
• To achieve that the schools have development plans to improve their operation and the quality of their services.
• To strengthen the cooperation mechanisms among the institutions, to favor a better use of the human resources and of the available infrastructure.
6. If you feel that you would like to focus your attention on one professional area or one state, please do so.
To speak of educational Software in a time characterized by multiple changes in the different scenarios of the daily life implies to recognize how the processes of modernity for those that is crossing the current society, have generated novel and very diverse forms of human interaction that, in an or another way, they have affected the practice and the exercise of the process of teaching learning.
With the result that the educational one in asset has to face the Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC), to those that you go as the solution to their teaching problems in numerous occasions.
In this sense, the education conceived as fundamental element in the human, social, ethical, cultural, political development and vivencial has like challenge to face one of the sharpest obstacles that arises in all process of teaching learning: to know how to use the TIC like support tools.

Atte. Rafael Aguilar Vélez.
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